- almost touching shapes, acrylic paint: 80x80 cm
- almost touching shapes I, acrylic paint: 90x65 cm
- almost touching shapes II, acrylic paint: 90x65 cm
- almost touching shapes III, acrylic paint: 90x65 cm
- almost touching shapes, point marker pen: 40x40 cm
- shape, point marker pen, acrylic paint: 70x90 cm
- almost touching shapes, point marker pen: 20x40 cm
- composition I, point marker pen, acrylic paint: 50x50 cm
- linear composition I, II, III, acrylic paint pen, cardboard, 60x60 cm
- black point composition, point marker pen, acrylic paint: 30x70 cm
- composition in red and blue, point marker pen, acrylic paint: 30x70 cm
- composition in red, blue and black; point marker pen, acrylic paint: 30x70 cm
- composition with 4 lines, point marker pen, akrylic paint: 50х25 cm
- composition with 7 lines, point marker pen, acrylic paint: 50x25 cm
- composition with line, point and curve; point marker pen; acrylic paint - 50x25 cm
- composition with rectangle and triangles, point marker pen, acrylic paint, 50x25 cm
- composition with rectangles and lines, point marker pen, acrylic paint - 50x25 cm
- Black center 01, point marker pen, acrylic paint: 70x50 cm
- composition with point, lines and cruve, point marker pen, acrylic paint, 70x50 cm
- point, line and cruve, point marker pen, acrylic paint, 70x50 cm
- composition with points, lines, cruve and rectangle, point marker pen, acrylic paint, 70x50 cm
- composition with point, composition with points and lines, point marker pen, acrylic paint, 50x70 cm
- triple red line, point marker pen, acrylic paint, 70x100 cm
- broken lines, point marker pen, acrylic paint, 130x85 cm
- crosspoint, lines and cruve, point marker pen, acrylic paint, 70x50 cm
- geometrically suction, point marker pen, acrylic paint, 70x50 cm
- composition of circle and line, point marker pen, acrylic paint: 45x70 cm